Cloud-based eDiscovery with unparalleled intelligence & scalability
Anvesa® helps you cut through the clutter with Intelligent review and analysis around litigation, investigations, and more. Because of Anvesa’s® serverless intelligent native cloud platform, you get a cohesive search and review + robust analytics like none other.

What Makes Anvesa® Unique?
What Makes Anvesa® Unique?
Early Case Assessment, Review, and Production in One

When it comes to finding answers and winning cases, time matters. It matters a lot.
But in a world with an exponentially increasing amount of data, this can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve built a secure, extensible, and intelligent eDiscovery platform that cuts through the clutter and delivers the right information to you fast. Anvesa® has Early Case Assessment, Review, and Production all in one native, unified serverless cloud platform.
And you don’t need to be a large firm, with a large budget, with a lot of cases to use it. You can literally use a high-end product for the cost of a cell phone bill.

Simple & Cost-Effective Pricing
No monthly, user, or license fees
No up-front costs
Predictable per-case pricing. Only pay for the space you use.
100% transparent pricing. No hidden charges.
Unlimited Users

Product & Support in 1
We skip the middleman and offer our customers both a product and support in 1. We offer 24/7 high-touch customer support, customer training, and system maintenance at no additional cost.

Advanced Security
Set parameters on per user access and privileges
Manage your content lifecycle to import, store, and classify business-critical data. Keep what you need and delete what you don’t
HIPAA and GDPR Compliant
Follows ESI protocol. Retention and Versioning policies

Serverless, Intelligent Cloud
Virtually infinite compute and automatic scalability
Virtually zero performance issues
AI, ML, and Robust Analytics
Hands-off self-service processing, review, and analysis
Technology-assisted review + predictive coding

Advanced End-to-End Workflow
Building on top of Office 365, Anvesa® within the Azure Cloud provides an end-to-end workflow to preserve, collect, review, analyze and export content that’s responsive to your company’s internal and external investigations.

One Unified, Comprehensive Platform
Unlike other platforms where search and review are disjointed and then fragmentedly linked together, Anvesa® was built on Microsoft Azure Intelligent and Native Cloud where AI-driven Early Case Assessment, Review, Production are all in one unified solution.
The Easiest and Most Effective Way to Find Key Insights and Win Cases
The Easiest and Most Effective Way to Find Key Insights and Win Cases

Simple & Efficient Discovery
Automated Processes and Unsupervised Learning automatically find documents for you more efficiently every time you search.
Crisp and Clean Dashboard
View all of your information search results and data, choosing and displaying only information relevant to you.
Document Clustering, Word Clouds & Topic Modeling
Using AI and Data Visualization, uncover buried but pertinent information and reveal key relationships.
Ask questions and receive answers right away, improving productivity.
Auto Classifying, Filtering & Tagging
With Technology Assisted Review via Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Anvesa® classifies, filters, and tags documents for you.
Collaborative Case Preparation
Easily act on and share key evidence internally and externally.
App & Platform Integration
With our open API, connect all your apps and platforms in one centralized location so you don’t have to toggle back and forth.
ESA, Review & Production in 1
Anvesa® is a 100% Azure native-built and unified platform with seamless data load and processing. No losing context, and no performance issues.

Customizable Dashboard
Customizable Dashboard
Customizable per user/per case, you can:
• View all search results on each screen
• View all produced data with the ability to focus on relevant documents in real time
Topic Modeling
Topic Modeling
Based on ML and Topic Modeling, Anvesa® can tell you all the documents that can be clustered together for an entire data set that you receive.
Out of millions of documents and billions of words, Anvesa® finds relevant topics within documents by using our proprietary algorithm, and then clusters those documents together based on those topics.

Email Word Cloud
Email Word Cloud
If you want to know what relevant email subjects people are using, the Email Word Cloud automatically scans through emails and pulls out important email subjects.
Document Word Cloud
Document Word Cloud
The Document Word Cloud searches the text of email bodies and documents. It figures out the relevance of the word in the context of the data set.

Email Word Cloud & Density Chart
Email Word Cloud & Density Chart
Using the Email Word Cloud AND Density Chart, the user can detect communication patterns and see WHO is talking to WHO, and the frequency. The bigger the bubble, the higher the frequency.
From there, the user can then go to the word cloud to figure out WHAT they’re talking about.
Cluster Wheel
Cluster Wheel
Based on ML and Topic Modeling, Anvesa® can tell you all the documents that can be clustered together for an entire data set that you receive.

Unparalleled Capabilities. Unparalleled Pricing.
Unparalleled Capabilities. Unparalleled Pricing.
Use Case: 250 GB | 5 users | 12 months

Anvesa®'s Cost-effective, Per GB Pricing
Anvesa®'s Cost-effective, Per GB Pricing

Because of its native cloud environment, when you use Anvesa®, you get both performance scaling as well as economies of scale.