Modern Workplace

A landing zone in the cloud is a nice place to be.

An intelligent global employee portal for the modern, digital company.

Modern Workplace

A landing zone in the cloud is a nice place to be.

An intelligent global employee portal for the modern, digital company.

Build a Modern Workplace That’s the Complete Package.

Build a Modern Workplace That’s the Complete Package.

From the C-suite to Technology departments, there’s a responsibility to equip your employees with the right tools to thrive.

From the C-suite to Technology departments, there’s a responsibility to equip your employees with the right tools to thrive.

The nature of work has changed. Employees are needing and wanting to work securely from any place and on any device– and they increasingly value work that enriches them and helps them succeed. When their productivity tools enhance the quality and effectiveness of their work experience, they’re happier, more fulfilled, more valuable, and more likely to stay dedicated to their company. Business leaders must provide that empowerment. ​

With Aureus Modern Workplace solutions, you can improve employee productivity and satisfaction, and create more seamless collaboration and communication across regions and platforms while maintaining the integrity and security of systems and data.

The nature of work has changed. Employees are needing and wanting to work securely from any place and on any device– and they increasingly value work that enriches them and helps them succeed. When their productivity tools enhance the quality and effectiveness of their work experience, they’re happier, more fulfilled, more valuable, and more likely to stay dedicated to their company. Business leaders must provide that empowerment. ​

With Aureus Modern Workplace solutions, you can improve employee productivity and satisfaction, and create more seamless collaboration and communication across regions and platforms while maintaining the integrity and security of systems and data.

The Aureus Modern Workplace

The Aureus Modern Workplace


Using our Aureus Accelerators and building blocks, Aureus works with you to build a tailored Global Employee Portal based on your company’s needs and brand.

Using our Aureus Accelerators and building blocks, Aureus works with you to build a tailored Global Employee Portal based on your company’s needs and brand.

Мобильное устройство

Aureus Modern Workplace Solution

Aureus Modern Workplace Solution


Aureus also offers a “pre-packaged” out-of-the-box Modern Workplace product solution, SmartConnect.

Aureus also offers a “pre-packaged” out-of-the-box Modern Workplace product solution, SmartConnect.