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Data Security and E-Discovery – How Anvesa® Brings Safety and Accessibly to Your Confidential Data

Data security is not an issue to be taken lightly. In the US, 64% of companies have suffered a cyber-attack and 53% of health care companies have experienced at least one data breach.* In response to these growing dangers, countries, and states within the US are passing data privacy laws. These aim to protect personal information by placing duties of protection and disclosure on data collectors or handlers, often backed by monetary fines or the breach being a matter of public record.

Well before the Cloud Revolution (or Industrial Revolution for that matter), lawyers have had a duty of confidentiality to their client’s data. Attorney-client privilege is a testament to the sanctity of these communications between a client and their lawyer.

So, while lawyers may not be the tech savviest of consumers, they need to be careful when it comes to data security. The world is not only becoming a more complex and dangerous place for their confidential information; data privacy laws are raising the stakes in addition to their ethical liabilities.

Security of Multi-Factor Authentication and the Accessibility of Single Sign-On in Anvesa

Anvesa is natively built-in Microsoft’s Azure cloud. This means that no feature or process, like translation, leaves the secure Azure Cloud. A user’s access to Anvesa is protected using Microsoft 365 secured login. New Anvesa users will receive an invitation letter with instructions to register their Microsoft 365 accounts. Microsoft 365 customers will sign in with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) once their Microsoft account is registered.

With Anvesa living securely in the Azure Cloud with MFA authentication to enter, the platform can offer users a Single Sign-On (SSO). This means entering their existing Microsoft credentials is sufficient to gain access to Anvesa. No additional credentials, such as another password, are needed.

A major cause of service calls and lost productivity in E-Discovery is related to forgotten passwords, and this makes sense. Often attorneys are juggling more than one case, and a case may go dormant for weeks or months at a time. Anvesa’s SSO allows user to access all their cases quickly and easily while they are securely logged into their Microsoft 365 account.

COVID, Remote Work, and Data Security

Remote work became much more accepted with the onset of the COVID pandemic. The legal field is not immune to this shift. Doing document review remotely was not nearly as accepted before COVID as it is now, but this remote work can create greater security concerns.

So, when Alex with Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP asked for MFA for remote workers to access the platform in addition to the MFA required to log into Microsoft 365, the Anvesa team sprung to action. Within 3 hours MFA was enabled for any user at secure or unsecured locations per the client’s request.

This is just one piece of the “white glove” service Anvesa users experience. By being natively built in the Cloud, Anvesa realizes large efficiencies that are passed on to our clients. This means lower, transparent prices, with services like the one described here, at no additional charge. Come take a look at how E-Discovery is done when the benefits of the Cloud Revolution are fully realized.

Come See the Future of E-Discovery

Reference: *